MSc Applied Psychology

Typ Master of Science
Kosten 9.793,32€
Sprache English

AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH / MSc Applied Psychology im Detail

+++ Full SCHOLARSHIP to be awarded worth €9,793.32 +++

MSc Applied Psychology 

  • Master of Science MSc Applied Psychology in just 1 year
  • Starting in February and September
  • Also possible without a first degree (without bachelor)
  • Idel for integration into professional and private life
  • 100% online, no attendance required
  • High degree of flexibility and freedom in terms of time
  • Free time management
  • Enrolment at partner universities
  • Degree awarded by partner universities
  • 100 interdisciplinary live online lectures per year as a bonus
  • Accredited and certified
  • Focus on practical relevance

Focal points

  • Foundation of Research in Applied Psychology
  • Applied moral and interpersonal Psychology
  • Cognitive Development
  • Business & Organisational Psychology
  • Criminal Psychology & Political Psychology
  • Media Psychology & Cyber Psychology
  • Masters thesis

Entry Requirements

First degree (at least Bachelor) from a recognised German or comparable other foreign university
the equivalent of the first university degree is considered to be at least six years´ relevant professional experience.

In addition, the following additional specializations are welcome: knowledge in the field of psychology (e.g. social psychology, business psychology), leadership, coaching, systemic counselling.



Explanation video

Explanation video


Business Psychology Psychology Biopsychology Personality Psychology Organizational Psychology Criminal Psychology Political Psychology Developmental Psychology


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